. . . and receive a free set of dentures on us.
Let’s face it, teeth are an important part of life – eating & nourishment, appearance, confidence, and overall well being. Yet many suffer without teeth for years despite the availability of great technological solutions.
Why? Well, mainly because many lack the resources to get a new set of dentures.
1-hour dentures solves that problem, but not only by our superior low price, but also because of our special Dentist Referal Program.
All you need to do is to submit your dentist’s name, direct-mail and phone number on the form below. We will send you a brochure to bring to your dentist.
If your dentist calls us on our toll free number ( 833) 833-8114 or email us at dentisty@1hrdentures.com and the signs up within the next six months and we will cover the full cost of your 1-hour dentures and all installation costs not covered by your insurance.
If your dentist’s name has already been submitted by another consumer, your dentist can not be used to qualify you until 6 months after the submission of the name and failure of the dentist to sign up.